Dr Nicolò Barbieri


Nicolò is an assistant professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara and a member of the SEEDS (Sustainability, Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies) research centre. He holds a PhD from the University of Bologna. He was a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management INGENIO [UPV-CSIC] (Valencia, Spain), at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex (Brighton, UK), and at the TELECOM Ecole de Management - Institut Mines (Evry-Paris, France). 

Nicolò’s work focuses on different areas of environmental and resource economics. In particular, he studies the technological transition that stands at the heart of the green economy. His research focuses on the impacts and drivers of such transition, delving into the geography of technological change, the labour market dynamics, and the environmental policy actions to tackle the climate crisis. He has convened and taught courses on Eco-Innovation, Firms’ Performance and Policy; Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Economic Policy at the University of Ferrara.


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