Dominik Beckers


Dominik is a research associate at The Business School of Edinburgh Napier University, and PhD student at the Academy of Architecture of Urban Studies of Tallinn University of Technology. He decided to take on these positions after having worked in policy consulting for more than four years. 

His academic background comprises a Master’s of Science in Human Geography from Lund University as well as a Bachelor’s of Science in Economics and Business Economics from Utrecht University.

Over the past years, Dominik has been involved in the development and execution of multiple national and EU-wide strategies, evaluations and studies. In this context, topics such as governance, urban and regional development, sustainable development, circular economy, eco-innovation and entrepreneurship have all featured highly on his agenda.

In his PhD, Dominik builds on this experience, and focusses on the governance of Smart City Transitions by investigating issues such as adaptive governance, multilevel governance or scale, to name a few. Feeding into this research, he is part of an academic consultant team conducting a global study on “Smart City Governance” in collaboration with the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the United Nations (UN-Habitat).


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Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School, 219 Colinton Road, EH14 1DJ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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